What’s in your sunscreen?

We’ve been conditioned to believe that sun exposure has a negative impact on our health. The truth is, sunlight is essential in helping our bodies produce the crucial hormone, Vitamin D. Moderation is key.

There are many sunscreen brands out there and it’s natural to feel confused amongst which is best for our skin and overall health. Many claim to be “dermatologist tested,” “all-natural,” etc., but companies don’t really have to back up these statements. Many unsuspecting customers fall for these marketing gimmicks and the result is a chemical cocktail applied onto the body’s largest organ – our skin.

A study conducted by the scientists at the Environmental Working Group (EWG), scrutinised almost 2000 SPF rated products from sunscreens, creams to lip balms. The study found that many sunscreens contain hazardous chemicals, one of which includes the hormone disruptor oxybenzone, linked to endocrine imbalances and
skin damage.

Here are some of other ingredients The Environmental Working Group have
identified as suspicious;

  • Octocrylene
  • PABA
  • Octyl-methoxycinnamate (OMC)
  • Benzophenone-3
  • 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC)
  • Homosalate

If any of these are found in your current sunscreen, do your health a favour and bin it!

At Organic Instinct we have scoured through the ingredients of many so-called natural sunscreens and have found three of the best brands on the market, SoleoWotnot and Simple as That. These lotions are easy to apply and have the added bonus of moisturising the skin with natural oils and an SPF factor of 30. They are safe for both children and adults and offer peace of mind through natural protection.

Zinc oxide is our preferred active sunscreen ingredient because:

It has stable UVA and UVB protection.
It doesn’t absorb into our skin or disrupt hormones.
It doesn’t irritate sensitive skin.

What are some other things you can do to help?

Cover up! Protect yourself with light cotton, bamboo, or linen clothing and a wear a wide brim hat and sunglasses.

Stay out of direct sunlight during high UV periods (10-4pm)

Sprays don’t provide adequate coverage and inhalation poses a serious risk. Opt for creams instead.

Apply and reapply natural sunscreen every two hours. Sweat and swimming diminish its effects.

Always read labels and download apps such as Chemical Maze and EWG’s Healthy Living to stay informed and empowered to make better choices.

Have a lovely summer season and stay safe, hydrated and shaded.

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